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Nitti Mostro字体系列


Nitti Mostro Font FamilyKU8CG天下
OTF, PNG | 4.4 MbKU8CG天下

Without a doubt, Nitti Mostro is the boldest family in our Nitti series yet. And the most fun. Eighteen styles in total — beefy, dazzling, flashy, and rough — max out the Grotesque-inspired theme Pieter van Rosmalen put up with Stanley, Nitti, Nitti Typewriter, and Nitti Grotesk — a collection of what we have dubbed ‘Italo-American Grotesques’.KU8CG天下
Nitti Mostro is based on the heaviest weights of Nitti Grotesk but geared to daring display uses: Posters, banners, t-shirts, stickers, signs, mugs, you name it. To allow for very compact line spacing, ascenders and descenders have been kept as short as possible. The letter fit is extremely tight for which some Nitti-typical forms had to be altered.KU8CG天下
The series is divided into four sub-families: Nitti Mostro with ten styles varying from Gradient to Chrome, Nitti Mostro Comic, a slightly rounded version, Nitti Mostro Disco, the radiant party variant, and Nitti Mostro Stencil, solid or rough. All styles in these sub-families can be layered for vibrant, colorful effects or shading. (We can’t wait to see all the animations and mouse-over effects you’ll come up with for Nitti Mostro on the Web :) A fun extra are the nine cute monster pictograms drawn by Dirk Uhlenbrock.KU8CG天下
Nitti Mostro complements the other members of the Nitti series, but at the same time is a design in its own bombastic right.KU8CG天下
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